Do you ever wonder why you are attracted to or repelled by a specific colour or a sound? The reason is that there is a psychological aspect to them and as the vibrations of colour and sound infiltrate our being, our mental, physical, emotions and spirit can be affected.
We select colours in our environment, our decor and clothes we wear that create a mood, an image that inspires you, makes you feel comfortable and safe, energised and nurtured. The vibration of the colours we choose are actually soaked up in our body and aura. For example, wearing red assist to overcome fatigue, green assists emotional stress and violet protects from outside pressures.
There are times when we need to introduce or delete a colour in our life to achieve balance. Kinesiology can assist you to identify the specific area in need and what is required to be in balance. This maybe your home, office, bedroom, living room or perhaps its your body that needs enrichment through a particular colour of food to heal an organ, cell, muscle, system or a meridian etc.
Sound can uplift and inspire us and can relieve stress and anxiety in the mind and body. Spending time in nature hearing the birds, the gentle flow of water in a creek, a waterfall, the sounds of waves crashing, are all natures gift to heal us.
A particular sound played over the body can release happy neuropeptides! Tuning forks, sound bowls, bells, drums, music and mantras are vibrations are also used to invoke a powerful healing response.
Spring is the season of new beginnings, clearing, cleansing and harmony, so let the vibrations of colour and sound heal your mind, body and spirit.
Please visit my website to book in a Color & Sound Balance
or to call me on 0420 692 400 for more details.
This is just one of the very special places I go to sit and enjoy the beautiful sounds and color of nature to restore my bliss!